Meet Margie

Founder and Chief Growth Officer, Brave Space Coaching

Hi, I’m Margie and I started my coaching practice to pay forward what I learned during my year of growth and change. I learned, among other important things, that I am enough just the way I am, and that everything I was looking for was inside of me all along. That was not obvious to me until I faced up to the fact that I was stuck and needed to reach out for help. With grace and compassion, I learned from my coaches how to deal with all that life threw at me - to embrace the bad and the good - so I could grow into the woman I was always meant to be.

I’m a wife, a mom of two, and a MiMi to three gorgeous boys. I’m a professional woman with over thirty years of leadership and talent development experience. I understand the stress and pressure of succeeding in the workplace, sometimes against the odds, while trying to balance life outside of work. I have formally and informally coached hundreds of people in my career to grow in their understanding of themselves personally and professionally.

I invested in a life-coaching certification program to help people find success with their life goals. One of my life goals was to find freedom from alcohol and ultimately grow into the person I was meant to be. This was a life-changing experience for me, during which I learned specific methods and tactics to add to my already well-stocked toolbox of life-coaching tools. I hold a master’s degree in human resource management and an undergraduate in hospitality management.

Read my full story

Every person deserves easy access to professional coaching that helps them achieve their personal and professional growth.

My Vision

My Mission

Provide clients with a judgement-free and shame-free space where they can feel comfortable being both brave and vulnerable. Within this environment clients can realize their true personal power and make their desired change.

My Values

Compassion-led: We do not shame, blame or judge.

Courage: We are brave enough to be vulnerable and face our fears.

Integrity: We align our thoughts and behaviors to honor our minds, spirits, hearts, and bodies.

Trust: We establish and maintain trust in a brave space, allowing us to bring forward the most vulnerable parts of our lives.

My Integrity Statement

I prioritize a lifestyle centered on wellness and personal growth. I commit to maintaining an alcohol-free existence, preferring and embracing the joys of alcohol-free living.

I believe in inclusivity and do not discriminate against anyone based on personal choices regarding alcohol consumption. I do not require abstinence from clients at any point in our coaching engagement.

My ethos promotes respect for individual choices and a supportive environment, both for myself and for the people I serve.